Evidence-Informed Decision making: The Art, Science and Complexity of Knowledge Translation

Estimated cost: R1001 – R5000
Field Of Study: Medicine


The purpose/goal of this course is to provide researchers with a comprehensive understanding of what knowledge translation is and how to translate knowledge into accessible language and formats so that it can be effectively shared with different audiences.
The objectives of the course:
Enhance the knowledge and capacities of researchers to better understand the policy, practice, public and media arena
Enhance the skills and capacities of researchers to package their research in a way that is accessible to research users (decision-makers, practitioners, clinicians, media, communities)
Encourage researchers to foster trusting relationships with research users and create or capitalize on opportunities for engagement

Entry Requirement: Professional 4-year Bachelor’s degree /Bachelor Honours degree or Equivalent Qualification
Certificate Type: Attendance
Delivery Mode: Online
Duration: 5 weeks
Presentation Language: English
Contact Person Name: ME Floor
Contact Person Email: lieselfloor@sun.ac.za
Latest Year Offered: 2024