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Entry Requirement: Professional 3-year Bachelor's degree / Advanced Diploma or Equivalent Qualification
Certificate Type: Competence
Delivery Mode: Blended
Duration: 9 months
Presentation Language: 12
Contact Person Name: E Sinclair
Contact Person Email:
Latest Year Offered: 2024
Estimated cost: R1001 - R5000
Field of Study: Pschyology
Department Name: Centre for Student Counselling and Development


Option B: Online Programme:
12 CEUs including 3 ethics units,
Study PowerPoint presentations and videos from 13th March to 24 November

PowerPoint slides of lectures including additional material will be available on the website as an alternative for those participants who are unable to attend a workshop. After studying the material on the web, practitioners must complete an online questionnaire. A minimum pass rate of 70% is required to qualify for 1.5 CEUs per questionnaire. Log-in codes will be supplied to paid-up participants only. These presentations will be available from 13TH March to 24th November
Option C General
30 CEUs including 6 ethic units
Articles and questionnaires will be available from 13th March to 24 November.

Ten topical journal articles (including two ethic articles) on a variety of topics (such as career counselling and development, psychotherapy, psychopathology, ethics, learning disorders and disabilities) will be placed on the website along with questionnaires to be completed online after the participant has studied the articles. A minimum pass rate of 70% is required to qualify for 3 CEUs per questionnaire. Log in codes will be supplied to paid-up participants only. These articles are not aimed at a specific registration category.
Option C General Psychometry
30 CEUs including 6 ethic units
Articles and questionnaires will be available from 13th March to 24 November.

Ten topical journal articles (including two ethic articles) on a variety of topics (such as career counselling and development, psychotherapy, psychopathology, ethics, learning disorders and disabilities) will be placed on the website along with questionnaires to be completed online after the participant has studied the articles. A minimum pass rate of 70% is required to qualify for 3 CEUs per questionnaire. Log in codes will be supplied to paid-up participants only. These articles are aimed at a specific registration category name: Psychometrists
Option C Industrial Psychology
30 CEUs including 6 ethic units
Articles and questionnaires will be available from 13th March to 24 November.

Ten topical journal articles (including two ethic articles) pertaining to the broad field of Industrial Psychology will be uploaded on the website along with questionnaires to be completed online after the participant has studied the articles. A minimum pass rate of 70% is required to qualify for 3 CEUs per questionnaire. Log-in coded will be supplied to paid-up participants only. These articles are aimed at a specific registration category name Industrial Psychology.

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