This Aviation English short course is intended to accomplish its goal in 48 contact hours by developing participants’ ability to ¿
¿ achieve and maintain Operational Level 4 ¿ an international language requirement enforced by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) ¿ to qualify for international flights;
¿ perform optimally in an academic context in order to pursue aerospace careers all around the world;
¿ demonstrate a consistent understanding and accurate production of technical aviation vocabulary; and
¿ read and understand official aviation documentation.
Entry Requirement: Grade 12 / Matric Certificate
Certificate Type: Competence
Delivery Mode: Contact
Duration: 8 weeks
Presentation Language: 12
Contact Person Name: J Olivier
Contact Person Email:
Latest Year Offered: 2024
Estimated cost: R10 001 - R20 000
Field of Study: Academic Language Skills
Department Name: Language Centre