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Entry Requirement: Grade 12 / Matric Certificate
Certificate Type: Competence
Delivery Mode: Blended
Duration: 60 hours, 10 weeks
Presentation Language: 12
Contact Person Name: CI Grobler
Contact Person Email:
Latest Year Offered: 2025
Estimated cost: R5001 - R10 000
Field of Study: Professional communication
Department Name: Language Centre


The goal of this short course is to introduce participants to South African Sign Language (SASL). The course consists of interactive face-to-face sessions during which the presenter teaches introductory aspects of SASL, involving practical exercises and some explanation of language use. This will enable participants to take part in basic conversations related to everyday life. Participants are expected to practice the language using video material available online. Participants are also expected to work in pairs or small groups functioning as a check for each other.

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