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Entry Requirement: Professional 3-year Bachelor's degree / Advanced Diploma or Equivalent Qualification
Certificate Type: Competence
Delivery Mode: Online
Duration: 3 months
Presentation Language: 12
Contact Person Name: RM Langford
Contact Person Email:
Latest Year Offered: 2023
Estimated cost: R5001 - R10 000
Field of Study: Science and Technology Studies
Department Name: Centre for Research on Evaluation Science and Technology


Plan, implement and evaluate science communication
To provide professional development opportunities for people working in environments where science and research outcomes need to be made accessible to the general public and to science policy audiences: typically communication and research management/development staff in government departments, universities, science councils and NGOs, as well as science communication and outreach staff in museums, science centres, zoos, aquaria, etc.
Demonstrate the impact and social relevance of public-funded research
Create innovative ways to make complex science accessible to relevant audiences
Motivate investments in public communication of science
To equip participants with core skills required to:
Work effectively with mass media and social media in implementing science communication strategies

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