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Entry Requirement: Professional 4-year Bachelor's degree / Bachelor Honours degree or Equivalent Qualification
Certificate Type: Attendance
Delivery Mode: Online
Duration: 13 weeks
Presentation Language: 12
Contact Person Name: F Bruce
Contact Person Email:
Latest Year Offered: 2024
Estimated cost: R1001 - R5000
Field of Study: Epidemiology and Research Methodology
Department Name: Centre of Excellence in Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis


Students who successfully complete this course, should be able to correctly:
1. Understand and correctly apply the basic tools of epidemiology and research
2. Identify various research designs, know their uses and limitations
3. Understand the basic principles of sampling and apply that knowledge to everyday investigations
4. Understand the basics of screening, sensitivity and specificity of tests
5. Recognise bias in the design of investigations and try to avoid it
6. Understand the epidemiology of disease clustering and outbreaks and how to investigate them
7. Be aware of the principles of causation
8. Be able to report on their findings professionally, both in writing and orally.

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