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Entry Requirement: Grade 12 / Matric Certificate
Certificate Type: Competence
Delivery Mode: Blended
Duration: 16 weeks
Presentation Language: 12
Contact Person Name: DE Manda
Contact Person Email:
Latest Year Offered: 2024
Estimated cost: R1001 - R5000
Field of Study: CO-CURRICULAR
Department Name: Social Impact


The course aims to capacitate the students with practice-based volunteering experience which they will be able to translate further into their studies and as they continue to engage actively in their different communities.
To utilize students to experience volunteering opportunities outside Stellenbosch Univesity as well as the resources outside the University.
1. Respond to real-life challenges and encourage active citizenship.
2. Enable virtual volunteerism opportunities, in order for graduates to gain experience within their scholarly field; and
3. Enable students to share cutting edge academic knowledge within a variety of national organisations.

What do participants gain from this process?
1. Opportunity to participate in real-world challenges where engaged citizenship is encouraged;
2. The unique opportunity to not only acquire new skills but to apply these skills within their scholarly field on a national platform;
3. Closing the graduate skills gap to become fully rounded 21

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