Due to resource and quality pressures, combined with trends that have emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic, new models of supervision have been prompted. Cohort supervision is one such option.
Senior degree students who enroll within a discipline in a particular year may compose a collaborative learning cohort. A faculty member(s) serves as cohort coordinator and mentor to promote the guidance of students into a research culture. Cohort groups meet regularly, in person or via electronic means, thus promoting a community of practice/research. Students present their work from time to time to cohort members, and during meetings students might discuss a range of issues related to their studies (e.g., research methodology, appropriate and useful literature, data techniques). They can also form smaller `buddy¿ groups within the larger cohort. Supervising through or within such a process has both advantages and disadvantages. These issues are explored by this short course.
Entry Requirement: Advanced Certificates / Diploma or Equivalent Qualification
Certificate Type: Attendance
Delivery Mode: Blended
Duration: 2 days
Presentation Language: 12
Contact Person Name: GH Van Rensburg
Contact Person Email: vanrensburgrhoda@sun.ac.za
Latest Year Offered: 2024
Estimated cost: R1001 - R5000
Field of Study: Higher Education
Department Name: Centre for Higher and Adult Education