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Entry Requirement: Advanced Certificates / Diploma or Equivalent Qualification
Certificate Type: Attendance
Delivery Mode: Contact
Duration: 4 days
Presentation Language: 12
Contact Person Name: A Fortuin
Contact Person Email:
Latest Year Offered: 2025
Estimated cost: R5001 - R10 000
Field of Study: The UG-SU short course
Department Name: School for Climate Studies


The main goal is to jointly organize a summer school on the climate-migration-health nexus with our partners from the CliMigHealth network at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. This initiative will convert our collaborative research into educational content for master¿s and PhD students across the Western Cape and broader African region. Unlike the previous seasonal school held at Ghent University, this event will be restructured to facilitate in-person participation for our African collaborators, who previously could not attend due to high travel costs to Europe.

The main goal is to jointly organize a summer school on the climate-migration-health nexus with our partners from the CliMigHealth network at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. This initiative will convert our collaborative research into educational content for master¿s and PhD students across the Western Cape and broader African region.

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