
Stellenbosch University’s Short Courses Division was established in January 2007 with the aim of co-ordinating, standardising and supporting the short course processes on behalf of the institution. 

The presentation of short courses is a teaching activity that takes place in the name of the University and needs to comply with the quality assurance standards and requirements of the University and the relevant government and regulatory institutions (DHET; CHE and SAQA). 

Stellenbosch University is accredited as a provider by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and is registered as a Public Higher Education Provider and recorded on the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) list of Public Higher Education Providers. The body which fulfils the role of an Education and Training Quality Assurer (ETQA) in Stellenbosch University’s case is the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC). All short courses offered by Stellenbosch University are accredited by the University by means of its quality assurance systems and mechanisms that have been approved by the Council on Higher Education (CHE)/HEQC.

Stellenbosch University’s short courses are ideal for both the public and private sectors enabling individuals and organisations to be responsive to market demands and trends and offering continued professional development to professionals. These courses do not offer credits which can be accumulated towards a full qualification.

The managerial responsibility for short courses is vested in the normal lines of academic management, viz. departmental chairpersons and deans, or divisional heads of environment and centres of responsibility.

The functions of this Division include: 

  • Development of policies and procedures for the management, administration, registration and quality assurance for short courses  
  • Interpretation of national policy frameworks   
  • Provision of support and advice to staff regarding the development of short courses   
  • Advice and facilitation of agreements between SU departments and other partners   
  • Maintenance and upgrading of the online course registration system and provision of assistance and training on the use of this system  
  • Development and maintenance of a website as a marketing instrument for short courses   
  • Advice and support regarding the financial administration of short courses (incl. budgeting)  
  • Procedures for student registration and maintenance of a student database   
  • Guidelines for certification   
  • Provide processes for course evaluation after a presentation and the results of the evaluation process can be used in further development of the course  
  • Reporting to the Council on Higher Education (CHE)