2024EngineeringAdvanced Design of Steel StructuresFamiliarise with fundamentals of plasticity theory as applied in structural steel analysis and designGain knowledge of the fundamentals and reference… Find out more Health SciencesAdvanced Human Population GeneticsThe aim of the teaching activity is to familiarise the participants with the concepts and practical aspects of human population… Find out more EngineeringAdvanced Structural Concrete DesignThis course covers theory and application in design of reinforced concrete structures. Its purpose is to enable postgraduate students and… Find out more Environmental; Agri & Natural SciencesApplication Technology in CitrusUnderstand the Droplet SpectrumUnderstand COVERAGE and RECOVERYUnderstand the Factors influencing the DEPOSITION EFFICIENCYUnderstand The basic principles of Application Technology in… Find out more Environmental; Agri & Natural SciencesApplication Technology in ViticultureDiscuss the basic principles of Application Technology in Vineyards Discuss the Droplet Spectrum Discuss Coverage vs Recovery Find out more Environmental; Agri & Natural SciencesApplication Technology: Pome and Stone fruitDiscuss the basic principles of Application Technology in OrchardsDiscuss Coverage and RecoveryDiscuss the Factors influencing the DEPOSITION EFFICIENCYDiscuss Droplet Spectrum Find out more Environmental; Agri & Natural SciencesApplication Technology: Vegetable SprayingUnderstanding the basic principles of Application TechnologyDiscuss Target specific requirementsTo understand the concept of coverage and recoverySetting up of spray… Find out more EngineeringAseptic Industrial BioprocessingThis course presents the technical fundamentals that govern aseptic processing operations and provides sufficient practical advice for attendees to effectively… Find out more Language & Communication skillsAviation English SkillsThis Aviation English short course is intended to accomplish its goal in 48 contact hours by developing participants' ability to… Find out more Business Economics & ManagementBasic Applied PsychometricsThe objective of the course is therefore to equip students with the knowledge and practical skills in psychometrics required for… Find out more Health SciencesBasic Underwater MedicineThe main aim of this programme is to train medical practitioners in diving medicine that will allow their designation as… Find out more Environmental; Agri & Natural SciencesBasics of Financial statementsAnalysing and understanding risk management and control measures in a business and financial context. Basic understanding and analysing of financial… Find out more EngineeringBridge DesignParticipants will learn about modelling, analysis & structural design of new bridge structures as well as assessment of existing bridges… Find out more Health SciencesCancer Care and the Family PractitionerThe majority of the cancer patients journey takes place in the community where the family practitioner is the cornerstone of… Find out more Environmental; Agri & Natural SciencesCertificate in Wine EvaluationSensorial training on wine styles, faults typicity of cultivars and scoring of wine on these criteria. The purpose of sensory… Find out more Mathematical Science and PhysicsClinic on Meaningful Modeling of Epidemiological DataThe goals of MMED are for participants to be able to effectively:¿ Explain dynamic principles and their role in the… Find out more Health SciencesClinical Governance in District HospitalsThis short course, Clinical Governance in District Health Services, will assist students in understanding the components of the district health… Find out more Education and Professional DevelopmentCohort Supervision (Supervising Cohort Postgraduate Groups)Due to resource and quality pressures, combined with trends that have emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic, new models of supervision… Find out more Arts; Cultural & Social SciencesCongregational MinistryCourse will consist of four parts1) Spirituality: the pastor as a Christina and a disciple2) Pastoral Ministry: the work of… Find out more Arts; Cultural & Social SciencesCREST Online Training Course for Supervisors of Doctoral Candidates at African UniversitiesIntroduction to key aspects of Doctoral Supervision. Find out more Environmental; Agri & Natural SciencesCultivation practices of potatoes¿ The origin and history of potatoes¿ The importance and extent of the South African potato industry¿ Potato crop growth… Find out more Health SciencesCurriculum Development and Analysis in HPEThe goal of this module is to give students a solid grounding about the principles and theories underlying the development… Find out more Health SciencesDentistry Emergency WorkshopThis course is designed to discuss and present to Dental professionals the important aspects on prescribing Antibiotics; Dental Surgery and… Find out more Environmental; Agri & Natural SciencesDisease Management: Principles and PracticesThe basic principles and practise of disease management is aimed primarily at any person who operates and forms part of… Find out more Business Economics & Management | Health SciencesEconomic EvaluationTo train candidates to understand the principles and application of Economic evaluation in health care. Find out more Health SciencesEngaging with Decision-makers: Issue Briefs for Policy and PracticeThe purpose/goal of this course is to provide researchers with a nuanced understanding of how to engage with decision-makers in… Find out more Health SciencesEngaging with the Media: Principles and PracticeThe purpose/goal of this course is to provide researchers with a nuanced understanding of how to engage with the media… Find out more Arts; Cultural & Social SciencesEnumerator Training for Social SurveysParticipants will develop a basic understanding of the logic and process of social research.Participants will develop a thorough understanding of… Find out more Health SciencesEssential Research Skills: A Global Surgery PerspectiveThe overall aim of this course is to learn principles of global surgery research.The objectives are to:Learn key global surgery… Find out more Arts; Cultural & Social SciencesEssential TheologyThis course will consist of four parts1) Old and New Testament2) Our Christian Faith3) Overview of Church History4) Challenges and… Find out more Executive DevelopmentEthics Officer CertificationThe purpose of the programme is to equip participants with the skills to lead effective governance practices and take responsibility… Find out more Health SciencesEvidence-Informed Decision making: The Art, Science and Complexity of Knowledge TranslationThe purpose/goal of this course is to provide researchers with a comprehensive understanding of what knowledge translation is and how… Find out more EngineeringFlexible Pavement Evaluation & RehabilitationThe objective of the course is to familiarize the delegates with pavement evaluation techniques including distress mechanisms and their causes,… Find out more EngineeringFoundation DesignThis course is presented from the perspective of a practicing geotechnical engineer.The objective of this course is to provide a… Find out more Arts; Cultural & Social SciencesFoundation for Academic competenciesThe course will consist of three parts1) Computer literacy2) Reading and writing skills3) Time ManagementAim of this course is to… Find out more EngineeringGMP for Food, Biotech and Pharmaceutical ProductsUnderstand Good Manufacturing Practice and be able to explain it to others within your organization. See how current GMP becomes… Find out more Health SciencesHealth Disaster Recovery Needs Assessment and Recovery Planning: Introduction Coursea) Concepts, key terms and methodology of Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) and Recovery Planning;b) Scope of the CRNA, sectors covered,… Find out more Health SciencesHuman Population GeneticsThe aim of the teaching activity is to familiarise the participants with the concepts and practical aspects of human population… Find out more Health SciencesInfant Mental HealthTo equip healthcare professionals with knowledge regarding the mental health needs of infants aged 0-3 years old in low- to… Find out more Health SciencesInternational Child TB Training CourseTraining qualified clinical healthcare workers, particularly doctors in the diagnosis and management of childhood tuberculosis with additional and particular focus… Find out more Community Development & EngagementIntroduction in Community Development TrainingThe objective of Community Development as a discipline is to enhance the quality of life of those groups that experience… Find out more Environmental; Agri & Natural SciencesIntroduction to Agricultural MitesPresent a general understanding of the distribution, diversity and importance of mites.Teach scouting, collection and preservation of mites.Provide and teach… Find out more Health SciencesIntroduction to Clinical GeneticsThe aim of this course is to equip healthcare professionals and other professionals with basic knowledge in medical genetics that… Find out more Research Methodology and DevelopmentIntroduction to Data Science with PythonDistinguish between and understand the use of data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence in the context of data. Interpret… Find out more Research Methodology and DevelopmentIntroduction to Epidemiology and Research MethodologyStudents who successfully complete this course, should be able to correctly:1. Understand and correctly apply the basic tools of epidemiology… Find out more Health SciencesIntroduction to Global HealthThis short course aims to provide academic staff, students, researchers, reviewers and editors with the understanding of the global health… Find out more Environmental; Agri & Natural SciencesIntroduction to Greenhouse ProductionEquip beginner and novice farmers with the foundational knowledge, practical skills, and confidence needed to succeed in greenhouse farming. Throughout… Find out more Research Methodology and DevelopmentIntroduction to R: management, exploration, and communication of dataR is an open-source, statistical software platform that is growing in popularity due to its rapidly expanding number of libraries… Find out more EngineeringIntroduction to Satellite Mission DesignDevelop requirements of subsystems from main satellite mission objectives. To introduce students to space mission geometry Introduce space mission types,… Find out more EngineeringIntroduction to Transportation Energy SystemsTo understand the present and future functioning of the global transportation system including transportation by road, rail, sea and air… Find out more LawIP, Competition, Contract and Unjustified EnrichmentProvide introductory knowledge in IP Law, Contract Law and Unjustified EnrichmentIntroduce the importance of above mentioned fields Find out more Military SciencesJunior Command and Staff Military StudiesThis course is designed primarily to educate, train, and develop senior officers in the rank of a major (middle level… Find out more Health SciencesLeadership and Laboratory Management CourseTo develop the leadership and quality improvement management skills of senior laboratory professionals is therefore a key goal of this… Find out more Leadership DevelopmentLeadership Summit for Aspiring Leaders1) To unpack, through observation and experiences of students, the key challenges relating to leadership within the Higher Education landscape,… Find out more Mathematical Science and PhysicsLEARNING FACILITATION TRAINING_LEVEL 2This online short course will run over the period of two to three months. The purpose of the course is… Find out more Business Economics & ManagementManagement Programme for NPO’sThe Management Program for Non-profit Organisations (NPO's) is a corporate social initiative programme that aims to develop the general managerial… Find out more Executive DevelopmentManaging Mental Health and Wellness at WorkThis course aims to inform organisational leadership about aspects of mental health and wellness, enabling them to formulate supportive approaches… Find out more Environmental; Agri & Natural SciencesMoth ID 101Receive explanation and training on Hortgro's False Codling Moth monitoring protocolLearn best practices for moth larva collection and preservationReview major… Find out more Language & Communication skillsNederlands voor beginners (Zelfstudiecursus)Deze online zelfstudiecursus Nederlands voor Afrikaanstaligen geeft je een goed inzicht in de Nederlandse taal en zal jou helpen om… Find out more Health SciencesOperational Underwater MedicineTo build on the skills of designated diving medical practitioners in order to render on-site occupational medicine and diving medicine… Find out more EngineeringPavement Management SystemsThis course focuses on pavement management of surfaced and gravel roads. South Africa has some 150 000 kms of surfaced… Find out more EngineeringPavement Materials III – BITUMEN STABILISED MATERIALS (BSMs)This course focuses on important developments in the field of Bitumen Stabilised Materials (BSMs) - in particular, the updates to… Find out more EngineeringPerformance Based Fire Protection DesignThe course focusses on understanding the current approach to performance based fire protection design within the context of the equivalency… Find out more Public Administration and LeadershipPolicy Development for Effective OversightThe objective of the course is to familiarise participants with the policy development, implementation and evaluation processes. Find out more EngineeringProject Risk ManagementThe course focusses on understanding the procedures for risk mangement in construction projects. Students and delegates are exposed to qualitative… Find out more Public Administration and LeadershipPublic and Municipal Accountability TheoriesTo equip participants with knowledge of the foundational theories of management in a public setting. Find out more Public Administration and LeadershipPublic and Municipal Performance Management ApplicationsTo equip participants with competencies to use management applications in the public value performance cycle consisting of strategic and tactical… Find out more Public Administration and LeadershipPublic Sector M&E for Strategic ManagersThe overaching objective is to instil in the public sector monitoring and evaluation systems and practices that focus on delivering… Find out more Military SciencesQGIS Training: Fundamentals to Advance AnalysisThis course targets a broad audience, including students, non-practitioners, practitioners, and professionals eager to grasp both the fundamental and advanced… Find out more Health Sciences | Research Methodology and DevelopmentQualitative Research Methods for Health SciencesThis module will enable students to understand the philosophy, methodology, process of analysis and report writing for qualitative methodology; plus… Find out more Public Administration and LeadershipResearch and Basic Data Analytical Skills for Public Institutional CapacityTo equip participants with research and basic data analytical skills to generate workplace-related knowledge for public institutional capacity. Find out more EngineeringRiver and Stormwater HydraulicsThis 3.5-day course on River and Stormwater Hydraulics has been structured to give state-of-the-art theory and practise on stormwater modelling,… Find out more Arts; Cultural & Social SciencesSkrywerswerkswinkelDie oorkoepelende doel van die kursus is die onderrig van skryftegniese tegnieke en die terugvoer op ingelewerde manuskripte. Daar word… Find out more Education and Professional DevelopmentSupervising the literature review chapter of a thesisThe short course aims to equip higher degree supervisors, mainly those in economic sciences, social sciences and humanities, with knowledge… Find out more Language & Communication skillsSurvival Afrikaans for studentsParticipants will be able to use Afrikaans in a basic and functional manner on campus. They will gain a basic… Find out more Environmental; Agri & Natural SciencesTable & Raisin Grape: Cultivation, Harvest and Post-harvestHarvesting and post-harvest handling of table grapes: To explain and demonstrate:¿ the ripening process of grapes.¿ standards and methods for… Find out more Environmental; Agri & Natural SciencesTable & Raisin Grape: Introduction, Establishment, Pruning and Dormancy ManagementTrellis systems, vine development and pruning: To describe, demonstrate and explain trellis systems, vine development and pruning systems. Establishment: To… Find out more Environmental; Agri & Natural SciencesTable & Raisin Grape: Plant ProtectionPest and disease management - to explain and demonstrate:¿ Damage and symptoms of the most important pests and diseases affecting… Find out more Environmental; Agri & Natural SciencesTable & Raisin Grape: Raisin Grape ProductionProduction practices - To explain and demonstrate:¿ requirements regarding grape quality and production practices needed to produce export-quality raisins.¿ characteristics… Find out more Environmental; Agri & Natural SciencesTable & Raisin Grape: Soil, Nutrition and Water ManagementSoil requirements and soil preparation: To describe and explain soil requirements (physical, chemical, and biological) for vineyards, as well as… Find out more Education and Professional DevelopmentThe evaluation and examination of postgraduate workThe workshop aims to equip postgraduate supervisors and examiners with knowledge and skills to evaluate and examine master¿s and doctoral… Find out more Community Development & EngagementVolunteerism PracticeThe course aims to provide students with the opportunity for practice-based volunteering experiences based on their scholarly field.What do participants… Find out more Environmental; Agri & Natural SciencesWater Quality and Risk Assessment at Water Treatment WorksSet-up, service and monitor a technical project team implementing an integrated water quality management plan starting in the catchment progressing… Find out more Environmental; Agri & Natural SciencesWeed Management: Principles and PracticesThe course looks at all the factors involved in selectivity as well as the herbicide recommendations. The absorption and translocation… Find out more Language & Communication skillsWriting Consultant TrainingTo provide consultants with theoretical and practical knowledge about writing centre work.To develop their understanding of writing centre goals and… Find out more Education and Professional Development | Research Methodology and DevelopmentWriting for publication (advanced)¿ Fifteen completed articles ready for submission to an accredited journal;¿ All fifteen (100 %) articles accepted within six months… Find out more Education and Professional Development | Research Methodology and DevelopmentWriting for publication (introduction)¿ To complete one article per participant for submission to an accredited journal based on the guidelines for authors of… Find out more Executive DevelopmentWriting Skills FundamentalsBusiness communication lecturers and experts believe that writing skills can be learnt and honed. Often those who believe they can't… Find out more Public Administration and LeadershipYouth Leadership and Anti-CorruptionThe overarching course objective is to equip participants with relevant skills to understand the links, realities and repercussions of corruption… Find out more